We are collecting items for 200 Senior Citizens around Chautauqua County. These seniors are alone and in need. Items can be dropped off throughout the year at Shear Style or the First Baptist Church of Mayville. Please email [email protected] for more information or to schedule drop-off.
Collection List
Candy Canes+
Combs & Brushes Wash Cloths Boxed Facial Tissues (Cubes) Hot Chocolate or Tea Packets Wash Cloths Dish Cloths Bar Soap Dish Soap Liquid Hand Soap |
Men's and Women's
Shaving Cream Razor Deodorant Items in red have been fulfilled and are no longer needed for this year's collection. |
Toothbrushes Single or Dual Packs
Laundry Detergent Sheets Slipper Socks Paper Towels Toilet Paper Winter Gloves Winter Scarves Winter Hats Pot Holders |